Report the 16th World Championship in FCF 2024
PHOTO of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF 2024 can be viewed at the link: https://interfight.ru/ru/photo/?album=36&gallery=969
VIDEO of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF 2024 can be viewed at the link: https://interfight.ru/en/video-16-world-championship-fcf-2024
On April 20-21, 2024, in the city of Essentuki, Russia, the 16th personal-team World Championship in Full Contact Fighting FCF was held.
The following teams took part in the 16th personal-team WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP in Full Contact Fighting FCF 2024:
- Abkhazia,
- Iran,
- Kazakhstan,
- Tajikistan,
- From Russia:
- Belgorod regional branch of IF FCF,
- Club with special status IF FCF “Liski” Voronezh region,
- Dagestan regional branch of IF FCF,
- Kabardino-Balkarian regional branch of IF FCF,
- Karachay-Cherkessia regional branch of IF FCF,
- Krasnodar regional branch of IF FCF,
- Lipetsk regional branch of IF FCF,
- Club with a special status IF FCF “Magdiev School” Rostov region,
- Rostov regional branch of IF FCF,
- Club IF FCF “Grozny” Chechen Republic,
- Club IF FCF “Saparbaev Team” Chechen Republic.
Competition Jury:
– Chief judge – judge of the highest category IF FCF – Sergey Borisovich Ermakov;
– Chief secretary – judge of the international category IF FCF – Olga Rabadanova;
– Deputy chief judge – judge of the first category IF FCF – Maxim Arakelyan;
– Referee – judge of the first category IF FCF – Mikhail Pankov;
– Referee – judge for FCF – Alexander Zhikharev;
– Secretary – judge of the first category IF FCF – Natalia Chernaya;
-Trainee – judge for FCF – Alexey Kutepov.
The following awards were presented at the opening ceremony:
According to the results of the past competitions, certificates were awarded:
- FCF passport – Belyakov Stepan
- FCF passport – Matvey Gugukin
- FCF passport – Khachaturyan Vrezh
- First category according to FCF – Mageev Latif
- Candidate for FCF Master – Pavel Kaznacheevsky
- Candidate for FCF Master – Dmitry Falchenko
- Master of FCF – Shershunov Yaroslav
- Master of FCF – Timur Golovchenko
- Master of FCF – Gabechia Alexander
- Master of FCF – Eldar Akifov
- Master of FCF – Atumava Tamerlan
- Master of international class FCF – Islam Bisilov
- Master of international class FCF – Zheltyakov Dmitry
- International class coach IF FCF – Murat Erkenov
- Grand Master FCF – Raul Khzarjyan
- Grand Master FCF – Taleshi Salekhani Ali Akbar
- Judge for FCF – Kutepov Alexey Alexandrovich
- Judge – first category IF FCF – Zhikharev Alexander Anatolyevich
The winners and prize-winners of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF 2024 are:
8-9 years old
23 kg | 1 place | Dudaev Umar / Дудаев Умар | Russia |
2 place | Kerefov Suleiman / Керефов Сулейман | Russia | |
3 place | Buchakin Arthur / Бучакин Артур | Russia | |
26 kg | 1 place | Djalilov Amir / Джалилов Амир | Russia |
2 place | Chakaev Ansar / Чакаев Ансар | Russia | |
29 kg | 1 place | Batdyev Damir / Батдыев Дамир | Russia |
2 place | Akkuan Dinmukhammed / Аккуан Динмухаммед | Kazakhstan | |
32 kg | 1 place | Tarasov Timur / Тарасов Тимур | Russia |
2 place | Nozirov Mansur / Нозиров Мансур | Tajikistan | |
3 place | Gebekov Khadzhimurad / Гебеков Хаджимурад | Russia | |
+32 kg | 1 place | Zolotarev Kirill / Золотарев Кирилл | Russia |
2 place | Zhumabay Aybar / Жумабай Айбар | Kazakhstan | |
3 place | Gugnin Vladimir / Гугнин Владимир | Russia |
The winners and prize-winners of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF 2024 are:
10-11 years old
30 kg | 1 place | Mazanov Bali / Мазанов Бали | Russia |
2 place | Afanasyev Sergey / Афанасьев Сергей | Russia | |
3 place | Akifov Eldar / Акифов Эльдар | Russia | |
3 place | Gadzhiev Islam / Гаджиев Ислам | Russia | |
34 kg |
1 place | Zakriev Askhab / Закриев Асхаб | Russia |
2 place | Zhumabay Ansar / Жумабай Ансар | Kazakhstan | |
3 place | Salamov Deni / Саламов Дени | Russia | |
38 kg | 1 place | Sagyngali Nurdaulet / Сагынгали Нурдаулет | Kazakhstan |
2 place | Khaustov Daniil / Хаустов Даниил | Russia | |
3 place | Gerbekov Aslan / Гербеков Аслан | Russia | |
+38 kg | 1 place | Zheltyakov Dmitry / Желтяков Дмитрий | Russia |
2 place | Sargsyan Artyom / Саркисян Артём | Russia | |
3 place | Dagaev Amiran / Дагаев Амиран | Russia |
The winners and prize-winners of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF 2024 are:
12-13 years old
34 kg | 1 place | Shagirov Damir / Шагиров Дамир | Russia |
2 place | Nurboluly Sultan / Нурболулы Султан | Kazakhstan | |
3 place | Ismailov Gamzat / Исмаилов Гамзат | Russia | |
3 place | Saifullauly Iman / Сайфуллаулы Иман | Kazakhstan | |
38 kg | 1 place | Gazimagomedov Khabib / Газимагомедов Хабиб | Russia |
2 place | Daudov Magomedzapir / Даудов Магомедзапир | Russia | |
3 place | Geloev Emirkhan / Гелоев Эмирхан | Russia | |
42 kg | 1 place | Zholaman Bektas / Жоламан Бектас | Kazakhstan |
2 place | Medjidov Nadir / Меджидов Надир | Russia | |
3 place | Dadaev Ibragim / Дадаев Ибрагим | Russia | |
46 kg | 1 place | Chertov Nikita / Чертов Никита | Russia |
2 place | Alisov Nikita / Алисов Никита | Russia | |
3 place | Yusupov Dzhumakhon / Юсупов Джумахон | Russia | |
50 kg | 1 place | Almaskhanov Abdurakhman / Алмасханов Абдурахман | Russia |
2 place | Soltanov Mansur-Efendi / Солтанов Мансур-Эфенди | Russia | |
3 place | Khupiev Akhmеd / Хупиев Ахмед | Russia | |
+50 kg | 1 place | Arutyunyan Avet / Арутюнян Авет | Russia |
2 place | Bakaev Said-Akhmed / Бакаев Саид-Ахмед | Russia | |
3 place | Boykin Artem / Бойкин Артем | Russia |
The winners and prize-winners of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF 2024 are:
14-15 years old
38 kg | 1 place | Timoshenko Artyom / Тимошенко Артём | Russia |
2 place | Muminov Muhammadibrokhim / Муминов Мухаммадиброхим | Tajikistan | |
42 kg | 1 place | Karatsukov Ali / Карацуков Али | Russia |
2 place | Grigolia Said / Григолия Саид | Abkhazia | |
3 place | Mucharov Abrail / Мучаров Абраил | Russia | |
46 kg | 1 place | Ismailov Muslim / Исмаилов Муслим | Russia |
2 place | Zhaken Nurbek / Жакен Нурбек | Kazakhstan | |
50 kg | 1 place | Lopatin Vyacheslav / Лопатин Вячеслав | Russia |
2 place | Abat Alikhan / Абат Алихан | Kazakhstan | |
3 place | Falchenko Dmitry / Фальченко Дмитрий | Russia | |
55 kg | 1 place | Solagayan Dmitry-Hacheres / Солагаян Дмитрий-Хачерес | Russia |
2 place | Mertskhulava Ainar / Мерцхулава Айнар | Abkhazia | |
3 place | Abdulgalimov Dzhabrail / Абдулгалимов Джабраил | Russia | |
60 kg | 1 place | Mussagali Meyirzhan / Муcсагали Мейиржан | Kazakhstan |
2 place | Zubairaev Abdulmalik / Зубайраев Абдулмалик | Russia | |
3 place | Matsaev Said-Akhmed / Мацаев Саид-Ахмед | Russia | |
+60 kg | 1 place | Edilgiriev Elsi / Эдильгириев Эльси | Russia |
2 place | Kadirkulov Talap / Кадиркулов Талап | Kazakhstan | |
3 place | Sultanbekov Abusupyan / Султанбеков Абусупьян | Russia |
The winners and prize-winners of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF 2024 are:
16-18 years old
53 kg | 1 place | Yusupov Safarali / Юсупов Сафарали | Russia |
2 place | Shagirov Ratmir / Шагиров Ратмир | Russia | |
3 place | Abdulaev Mukhtar / Абдулаев Мухтар | Russia | |
57 kg | 1 place | Dakavov Abdul / Дакавов Абдул | Russia |
2 place | Gabechia Alexander / Габечия Александр | Abkhazia | |
3 place | Ibragimov Movsar / Ибрагимов Мовсар | Russia | |
3 place | Konkakov Dias / Конкаков Диас | Kazakhstan | |
61 kg | 1 place | Magomadov Salman / Магомадов Салман | Russia |
2 place | Erkhembayar Rentsensenge / Эрхембаяр Рентсенсенге | Mongolia | |
3 place | Geriev Amir / Гериев Амир | Russia | |
66 kg | 1 place | Bogatyrev Ismail / Богатырев Исмаил | Russia |
2 place | Tsendsuren Gankhuyag / Цендсурэн Ганхуяг | Mongolia | |
3 place | Baisov Mukhamed / Баисов Мухамед | Russia | |
3 place | Atobekov Mehrullo / Атобеков Мехрулло | Tajikistan | |
71 kg | 1 place | Mazaev Islam / Мазаев Ислам | Russia |
2 place | Bisilov Islam / Бисилов Ислам | Russia | |
3 place | Murodov Kurbonali / Муродов Курбонали | Russia | |
77 kg | 1 place | Mazaev Islam / Мазаев Ислам | Russia |
2 place | Abaikhanov Rustam / Абайханов Рустам | Russia | |
+77 kg | 1 place | Kuramagomedov Magomed / Курамагомедов Магомед | Russia |
2 place | Azamatov Magomed / Азаматов Магомед | Russia |
The winners and prize-winners of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF 2024 are:
19 years and older
61 kg | 1 place | Kubekov Radmir / Кубеков Радмир | Russia |
2 place | Shkhaev Aznaur / Шхаев Азнаур | Abkhazia | |
66 kg | 2 place | Khzardjyan Raul / Хзарджян Рауль | Abkhazia |
3 place | Ustarkhanov Magomedrasul / Устарханов Магомедрасул | Russia | |
3 place | Kogoshvili Gela / Когошвили Гела | Abkhazia | |
71 kg | 1 place | Elmurzaev Sulim / Эльмурзаев Сулим | Russia |
2 place | Kalmykov Yahya / Калмыков Яхья | Russia | |
77 kg | 1 place | Ali Akbar Taleshi Salehani / Али Aкбар Талеши Салехани | Iran |
2 place | Agrba Enri / Агрба Энри | Abkhazia | |
84 kg | 1 place | Auelbaev Nurshat / Ауелбаев Нуршат | Kazakhstan |
2 place | Grushko Maxim / Грушко Максим | Russia | |
3 place | Taiwan-Yertunts Narantuya / Тийван-Ертунц Нарантуя | Mongolia | |
93 kg | 1 place | Munkh-Erdene Batjargal / Мунх-Эрдэне Батжаргал | Mongolia |
2 place | Gordeev Sergey / Гордеев Сергей | Russia | |
+93 kg | 1 place | Suliev Muhamed / Сулиев Мухамед | Russia |
2 place | Shulyak Stanislav / Шуляк Станислав | Russia |
The final fights for adults were held according to the professional rules of the FCF, 2 rounds of 3 minutes.
The results of professional fights will be placed in the FCF rating http://bandogs.info
The winners of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP were awarded the following titles:
8-15 years old – “FCF Master”;
16-18 years old – “Master of international class FCF”:
19 years and older – “Grand Master FCF”.
Prize-winners of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP were awarded the following titles:
8-15 years old – “Candidate for FCF Master”;
16-18 years old – “FCF Master”;
19 years and older – “Master of international class FCF”.
Coaches of the winners of 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF: Kalamov Murat, Daudov Mamash, Erkenov Murat, Chaborin Nikita, Borisov Yakov, Magdiev Arsen, Zhumagaliev Talgat, Kuchkarov Rustam, Kanukov Renat, Nadyrov Zaur, Zholdybaev Sayran, Mikiganov Arsen, Almaskhanov Arslan, Magdiev Jamal, Ismailov Garadzha, Saparbaev Beslan, Yusupov Dilshod , Isaev Ada, Khadayev Ibragim, Dalgatov Gasan, Yusupov Furaimon, Taiwan-Ertunts Narantuya, Maskhadov Rustam – were awarded certificates and medals “For training the winner of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP in Full Contact Fighting FCF 2024 among youths, juniors and adults.”
The coaches of the winners and prize-winners of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF were awarded the following titles:
– For the preparation of “Grand Master FCF” – Coach of the highest category IF FCF.
– For the preparation of the “Master of international class FCF” – Coach of the international category IF FCF.
– For the preparation of “FCF Master” – Coach of the republican category IF FCF.
– For the preparation of “Candidate for FCF Master” – Trainer-Instructor IF FCF.
“ For the most effective fight “ of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF were awarded to:
Kuramagomedov Magomed / Курамагомедов Магомед;
Azamatov Magomed / Азаматов Магомед.
Within the framework of the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF 2024, friendly matches were held:
20 kg | 1 place | Chernyshov Danil / Чернышов Данил | Russia, IF FCF Club Liski |
1 place | Khaknazarov Abdullah / Хакназаров Абдуллах | Russia, IF FCF Club “Magdiev School” | |
22 kg | 1 place | Gebekov Umakhan / Гебеков Умахан | Russia, IF FCF Club “Magdiev School” |
2 place | Paykhaev Saifullah / Пайхаев Сайфуллах | Russia, IF FCF Club “Saparbaev team” | |
24 kg | 1 place | Lemeshko Yaroslav / Лемешко Ярослав | Russia, Krasnodar region |
2 place | Belyakov Stepan / Беляков Степан | Russia, IF FCF Club “Magdiev School” | |
27 kg | 1 place | Musaev Khalid / Мусаев Халид | Russia, IF FCF Club “Grozny” |
2 place | Gebekov Umakhan / Гебеков Умахан | Russia, IF FCF Club “Magdiev School” | |
30 kg | 1 place | Tsurkin Artyom / Цуркин Артём | Russia, Krasnodar region |
2 place | Kurenkov Lev / Куренков Лев | Russia, IF FCF Club “Magdiev School” |
Team places of the the 16th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCF 2024:
1 team place – Russia
2nd team place – Abkhazia
3rd team place – Iran
During the World Championship on April 20-21, 2024, a fighter from the team of the Kabardino-Balkarian regional branch of IF FCF, Khasbulatov Inal, after the fight, without any reason, began to insult the Head of the Dagestan regional branch of IF FCF, Daudov Mamash, with obscene expressions.
As a result, a scandal occurred with the participation of strangers, the competition was stopped for about 40 minutes.
This incident caused material and reputational damage to the International Federation.
The head of the Kabardino-Balkarian regional branch of the IF FCF, Renat Kanukov, who guaranteed the leadership of the Federation full, personal responsibility for Khasbulatov Inal, did not explain the behavior of his fighter to the organizers and did not apologize for this incident.
In connection with the above, it was decided:
- For violation of the regulations of the Championship and the World Championship on April 20-21, 2024, disqualify Inal Khasbulatov with deprivation of IF FCF titles.
- Deprive Renat Zaurovich Kanukov of the IF FCF title for two years “until May 01, 2026” without the possibility of assigning new titles during the specified period.
- Downgrade the status of the Kabardino-Balkarian regional branch of IF FCF to a club.
- Warn Renat Zaurovich Kanukov that if his athletes repeat violations of discipline, he will be disqualified and the department will be closed.