International Tournament Absolute Fights, Vladikavkaz.
The international tournament was held on August 14, 2005 in the sport-health centre in the village of Oktyabrskoe in Vladikavkaz.
The following age groups were represented at the tournament:
pre-teens 8-11 years old, youngsters 12-15 years old, juniors 16-18 years old, adults 19-30 years old, and sport veterans over 30 and women over 19.
60 participants from different regions of Russia and Azerbaijan took part in the tournament. The fights in every age group were held regardless the weight categories.
It is the first time the Ukrainian referees and judges have taken part in the events of the Federation. The interesting.
No traumas, no protests, no violations of the regulations occurred during the tournament. The competitions were held with a great number of spectators attending them.
The winners of the tournament:
Pre-teens, Tedeev Zaurbec—Republic of North Ossetia(RNO) Alaniya,
Youngsters, Alizade Natik—Azerbaijan,
juniors, Danilyants Uriy—Republic of North Ossetia (RNO) Alaniya,
Adults, Asuev Akhshad—Republic of Chechnya,
Sport veterans, Magdiev Eldar—Rostov region
Women, Klimova Helen—Rostov region.