The decision Presidium of the International federation hand-to-hand fight IF FCF в„–002/09 from 02.03.2009.
- For hooligan actions, causing of material harm of the International Federation, threat to address of a judiciary board, during amateur carrying out of personal – command championship of Eurasia on to hand-to-hand FCF-MMA fight among junior 16-18 years on March, 1 2009Рі. Russia, Kislovodsk to deprive with sports ranks and is termless to disqualify, without authority of participation in actions IF FCF in any quality, sportsmen of the Chechen republic:
1. Haliev Hasan
2. Haliev Hussein
3. Bankurov Shamil - To warn the head of the Chechen regional branch – Ramzan Bahuhadjiev about inadmissibility similar not sports behaviour of the sportsmen subordinated to him and him not full conformity of a post.
Chairman of presidium
The international public organization
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hand-to-hand FCF-MMA fightВ»