

the 18th World Championship FCF 2025



on Full Contact Fighting


May 17-18, 2025

Essentuki, Stavropol Territory, Russia

(Mineralnye Vody airport)


 1. General Provisions

1.1. The 18th World Championship are held on May 17-18 , 2025, Russia, Stavropol Territory, Essentuki, Sadovy Lane, 15, in the “Sports school for team sports”.

1.2. International Airport Mineralnye Vody – https://mvairport.ru

1.3. Booking and accommodation with all conveniences and meals:

https://ostrovok.ru            https://sutochno.ru           https://bronevik.com

      1.4. All athletes, coaches, representatives, and parents must wear shoe covers in the competition hall.

2. Place, dates and time of competitions.

2.1. May 16:   – Arrival and accommodation of teams.

2.2. May 17:   – 14.00 p.m. – Weighing of athletes in the Essentuki, Sadovy Lane, 15, in the MBU “Sports school for game sports”;

2.3. May 18:   – 08.30 a.m. – The beginning of the competition in the Essentuki, Sadovy Lane, 15, in the MBU “Sports school for game sports”;

2.4. May 19:   – Departure of teams.

3. The participants of the competitions.

3.1. In competitions take Team part in the following age and weight categories:

– at the age of 8-9: 23, 26, 29, 32, +32 kg.,

– at the age of 10-11: 26, 30, 34, 38, +38 kg.,

– at the age of 12-13: 34, 38, 42, 46, 50, +50 kg.,

– at the age of 14-15: 38, 42, 46, 50, 55, 60, +60 kg.,

– at the age of 16-17-18: 53, 57, 61, 66, 71, 77, +77 kg.,

– at the age of 19 and older: 57, 61, 66, 71, 77, 84, 93, +93 kg.

3.2. Representatives, Coaches and Athletes must:

– know and strictly follow the rules and regulations of competitions in full contact fighting;

– the awarding procedure and the official photo session are an integral part of the regulations;

– at the official photo shoot only the national flags of the participating countries are allowed;

– representatives, athletes and coaches who violate these parts of the regulations, that is, absent from the awards ceremony or the final photo shoot, as well as using any flags other than state ones, will be subject to sanctions for violations of the rules and regulations of the competition.

4. Costume of the participant and second.

4.1. For the youths of 8-15 years old it is permitted to wear: shorts (blue or red), shin guards of stockings type (not hard) (blue or red), groin guard and gloves for hand-to-hand fighting (blue or red), size S.

4.2. For the juniors of 16-18 years old and adults of 19 years old or older it is permitted to wear: shorts (blue or red), groin guard and gloves for mixed martial arts MMA (blue or red).

4.3. The presence of clearly visible approved logo of International Federation IF FCF on the left front part of shorts (9 centimeters in diameter).

4.4. An assistant can be any team member specified in the application, at least 19 years of age.

The assistant must have a neat appearance, without a hat, wear sportswear and shoes, and have a towel.

4.5. It is prohibited to have any symbols of sports organizations other than IF FCF on clothing or equipment.

5. Conditions of the event.

5.1. The 17th World Cup is held according to the Olympic system with elimination after one defeat.

5.2. Duration of bouts in accordance with the rules FCF.

5.3. Final bouts at the age of 16-18 are held according to the amateur rules of the FCF, 2 rounds of 2 minutes.

5.4. Final bouts at the age of 19 years and older are held according to the professional rules of the FCF, 2 rounds of 3 minutes. The results will are recorded in PROFESSIONAL RANKING  FCF WWW.BANDOGS.INFO

6. Awarding.

6.1. The winners of the age subgroups of 16-18 years and 19 years and older will be awarded BELTS and certificates and will be conferred the title of «the World Champion on FCF 2025».

6.2. The winners of the age subgroups of 8-15 years will be awarded CUPS medals and certificates and receive the title of «the World Champion on FCF 2025».

6.3. The winners and Prize winners are conferred the sports title:

– “Grand Master FCF, a black belt, 3nd dan” –  winners 19 years old and older;

– “Master of international class of FCF, a black belt, 2nd dan” – winners 16-18 years old and prize winners 19 years old and older;

– “Master of FCF, a black belt, 1st dan” – winners 8-15 years old and  prize winners 16-18 years old;

– “Candidate for Master of FCF, a brown belt” – winners 8-15 years old.

6.4. 2nd and two 3rd place winners are awarded Medals and Certificates.

6.5. Coaches of winners are awarded certificates and medals and are conferred sports title:

– for training the “Grand Master FCF, a black belt, 3 dan” – The coach of the highest category;

– for training the “Master of international class of FCF, a black belt, 2nd dan” – The coach of the international category; – for training the “Master of FCF, a black belt, 1st dan” – The coach of the Republican category;

– for training “Candidate for Master of FCF » – The coach-instructor.

6.6. Teams, the 1-st, 2-nd and 3-rd place winner are awarded CUPS and certificates.

6.7. Teams that do not have IF FCF licenses are not included in the team standings. Athletes of these teams participate in the individual competition

 7. Registration of Teams

7.1. Till May 07, 2025 it is necessary to send the filled registration form in Word format for registration of team for the World Championship are accepted by e-mail fcf-mma@yandex.ruinterfightfcf@gmail.com

– The registration form must include a passport for each member of the delegation.

7.2. The teams must have their national flag and anthem of the country.

8. Information.

8.1. You can read the rules and other information on the website: WWW.INTERFIGHT.NET  



The International Federation of Full Contact Fighting IF FCF

Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber: +7 928 267 30 46

e-mail: FCF-MMA@yandex.ruinterfightfcf@gmail.com

Site:   www.interfight.net



Telegram – t.me/fcf_mma

Instagram – @fcf_mma
