Professional rules of FCF
- Section 1. The characteristic and ways of carrying out of competitions FCF.
- The characteristic and a way of carrying out of professional competitions is determined in the contract and position.
Section 2. Participants of duels.
Chapter 1. Age of participants:
- To professional duels adults — 19 years are supposed and is more senior.
Chapter 2. Weight categories:
- Up to 57, 61, 66, 71, 77, 84, 93, +93 kg.
- By the contract and position can be allowed overlapping and addition of weight categories.
Chapter 3. Duration of duels:
- Duration of one round should not exceed 5 minutes.
- It is authorized to carry out from 3 up to 5 roundes, (the quantity is determined by position and the contract depending on qualification of participants).
- A break between roundes — 1 or 2 minutes.
Chapter 4. Rewarding of winners:
- Winners of professional duels are awarded with a prize and attributes contractual.
Chapter 5. The admission to duels:
- To professional competitions IF FCF champions of the countries, continental, world (global) competitions, winners of the international tournaments by fighting kinds of single combats (among adults) and triple winners of regional professional competitions under version IF FCF are supposed.
- Additional conditions of participation in competitions are stipulated in position.
Chapter 7. Weighing of participants:
- The order and time of weighing of participants is determined in position.
- Weighing is carried out with the brigade of judges appointed by the main judge.
- Participants of competitions should be weighed on one weights.
- At weighing the participant shows the passport, a personal insurance policy, the insurance and the admission of the doctor on the given competitions.
- Participants are weighed in swimming trunks.
- The participants who have not shown on weighing, after his termination are considered lost.
Chapter 8. A toss-up.
- The toss-up is carried out at once upon termination of weighing.
- Representatives are offered to be present and participate in a toss-up.
- The toss-up is carried out by a method of an any choice of tickets with numbers.
- Surnames of participants in each weight refer to in that order in which they are brought in the report of weighing, then number which will be worn out in the column opposite to the read surname is pulled out.
- Participants are reduced in pairs according to appropriated numbers: the first with the second, the third with the fourth, etc.
- The participant, stayed free, in the following circle meets the winner of the first pair.
- After the termination of a toss-up of pair do not vary!
Chapter 9. The participant of a duel is obliged:
- To have the tidy appearance, shortly cut nails and an accurate hairdress.
- To know and strictly to observe professional rules IF FCF, positions of the contract and the program of competitions.
- To pass the instructing spent by the main judge.
- To carry out all requirements of judges.
- To welcome the contender hand shake before and after a duel.
- To be polite in relation to participants, judges, spectators.
Chapter 10. The participant of a duel has the right:
- Through the representative to address to a judiciary board.
- During a duel to submit the signal about the termination of fight.
Chapter 11. A suit of the participant:
- A suit of the participant: sports cowards (blinkers), gloves for the mixed single combats (grappling) ММА and паховѫй a bandage.
- Fastenings equipment should be, round, are stuck by a wide medical plaster.
- It is forbidden to the participant: to render on a body any ointments and a cream, to have on itself rings, bracelets, hours, chains, a vest and so forth.
- The team should have dark blue and red sports cowards (blinkers), dark blue and red gloves.
- Drawing on clothes and equipment of symbolics IF FCF is necessary.
Chapter 12. Duties of the representative:
- Representatives are intermediaries between a judiciary board and participants.
- Representatives are obliged to be present at weighing, to pass instructing and to know rules and the rules of competitions.
- Representatives should be present at meetings of representatives spent by a judiciary board and to inform participants on decisions of judges, to provide duly СЏРІРєСѓ participants on a duel, to be in a judiciary board under the first requirement of judges.
- Representatives bear the personal responsibility for duly СЏРІРєСѓ participants, presence at them necessary documents, observance by participants of rules, the rules of competitions and sports ethics.
- The organizations, sportsmen and the representatives of teams convicted of forgery of documents, are disqualified and further to actions IF FCF are not supposed.
- If the sportsman, as a result of infringement of rules or accident, has harmed health of the opponent, the responsibility for consequences is carried by his representative and the sending organization.
Chapter 13. The representative has the right:
- To address and receive the information on all questions of carrying out and results of competitions.
- To carry out duties (or to appoint) seconds.
Chapter 14. It is forbidden to the representative:
- To interfere with work of a judiciary board and organizers of competitions, to give the estimations to an event on a carpet, to argue with judges, to submit protests.
- To show disrespect for judges, organizers and participants of competitions, to encourage (to not stop) the disrespectful relation to them on the part of participants.
- To be simultaneously the representative and the judge.
Chapter 15. Seconds:
- The amount of seconds is determined by the representative of a team and cannot exceed 3 persons.
- During a duel seconds should be near to a carpet, on the part of the sportsman.
- Seconds should have a tidy appearance, are dressed in the sports form, drawing of symbolics and trade marks on clothes of the second is stipulated in the contract.
- Seconds in due time accompany with the sportsman to a place of carrying out of fight, to help to the sportsman in breaks between roundes.
- Seconds have the right to stop fight by emission of a towel on a carpet or a voice if consider, that their sportsman is not capable to continue a duel.
- Seconds are forbidden to assist to the sportsman during the compelled stop of a duel (to wipe off water to brush away with a towel, etc.).
- Seconds are forbidden to show disrespect for judges, organizers and participants of competitions, to encourage (to not stop) the disrespectful relation to them on the part of participants.
Section 3. The contents professional full contact fighting IF FCF.
Chapter 1. Technics (technical equipment) of fight:
- In professional hand-to-hand I fight it is authorized to apply impacts in full force (with an investment of weight of a body):
Рђ) In a head — hands, legs, knee, elbows and a forearm, including with deduction of the opponent;
Р‘) In the case — hands, legs, knee, elbows and a head; - It is authorized to apply: throws, cuttings, pushes, painful and suffocating receptions in the rack and in an orchestra.
Chapter 2. Technical requirements to drawing impacts:
- Impacts casually, not in full force, impacts, through protection, impacts in which the weight of a body (without amplitude is not enclosed and turn of a shoulder), are not set off.
- It is set off: pure, peak impact by a hand if it is put above a belt with the maximal turn of a shoulder (except for impacts in a throat).
- It is set off, a pure peak kick if it is put above a belt of the contender (except for impacts in a throat).
- Pure peak impact by a knee if it is put above a belt is set off.
- Pure peak impact by an elbow if it is put above a belt is set off.
- Pure peak impact by a head in the case is set off.
- It is authorized to make impacts by hands, legs, knee, elbows and a head from any position: in the rack, an orchestra, after throws, cuttings, pushes, at falling. Thus all impacts should correspond to requirements of rules.
- Impacts are lower than a belt are resolved, but not estimated. In case of a painful shock after «Law», the account opens and is set off knockdaun or a knockout. Impacts with capture by hands of a body and clothes of the opponent are resolved.
Chapter 3. Technical requirements to performance of throws, pushes and cuttings:
- A throw it is considered action of the sportsman as a result of which the opponent loses balance and falls with a separation of both legs from a floor and impact about a carpet a back, or shoulders.
- Throws are carried out without falling and in falling.
- Переворачивания in a prone position are not estimated.
- At throws from an orchestra the sportsman should lift the opponent highly enough for appreciable impact about a floor.
- The push considers any action of the sportsman as a result of which the opponent falls or concerns a carpet any part of a body except for a foot of legs.
- If as a result of a push the opponent falls on a back with a separation of both legs from a floor — the push is estimated, as a throw on a back — in 2 points.
- Throws and pushes (any knockings down of the opponent from legs should not have casual character, they should be an intelligent, seen part of attack and to give advantage attacking. For example, throws and pushes after which attacking itself appeared under the opponent or in anyone other not favourable position are not estimated.
- Cutting considers a lateral kick on the bottom half of shin of the opponent. Cutting is considered executed if she has led to loss of balance (to falling or a contact of a floor any part of a body, except for a foot of legs).
Chapter 4. Technical requirements to performance of painful and suffocating receptions:
- Painful reception considers capture of a hand or a leg of the contender which allows to start: joints, the infringement of sinews and muscles also compels the contender, in order to prevent a trauma, to recognize itself defeated.
- Suffocating reception considers infringement, squeezing of a neck of the opponent.
- Suffocating receptions are carried out by a shoulder, a forearm, a shin, a foot, a knee, the linked legs.
Chapter 5. Carrying out to finish, painful or suffocating reception should be stopped:
- At refusal of the opponent, the second or the representative of continuation of a duel (any claps on a floor, on a body of the opponent, any signals a voice, ejection of a towel, etc.).
- If the sportsman, at suffocation or to finish, does not surrender, but has stopped resistance — readout knockdaun begins.
Chapter 6. Infringements of rules:
- Impacts in a throat and in a groin are forbidden.
- Impacts by an elbow in a backbone.
- Impacts in a head: a head, and stamping impact.
- Uncontrollable impacts, (rendered blindly, having turned away).
- Conducting fight up to a command «Fight» and after a command В” Stop! В«.
- Captures for fingers on hands and legs of the opponent, captures for a neck fingers, painful receptions on a brush, painful receptions on a backbone, and as, pressure a palm, fingers, a forearm on a mouth, eyes and a nose of the opponent.
- Dangerous movements by a head (threat of impact by a head in a head).
- Conducting fictitious fight, evasion from fight.
- A tightening of breaks in a duel or autocratic leaving from a carpet.
- An output for a carpet two legs. Infringement of equipment (including forms of clothes of the second).
- Not sports behaviour of the participant (the second, the representative); threats, spittles, not acceptable abuse, conducting conversations during fight (except for the application for refusal of continuation of a duel), demonstration not respect, not submission or altercation with judges.
- If during performance of painful reception, suffocation or to finish on a floor one of sportsmen applies the forbidden receptions (it bites, scratched, etc.) compelling another to stop the resolved reception, or creating at the referee impression of «delivery» of the opponent, it is regarded, as the going, rough infringement of rules and entails disqualification guilty
Chapter 7. A knockout and knockdaun:
- If the referee considers, that the sportsman is shocked by impact, a throw, collision or has stopped resistance at suffocation or to finish he immediately stops a duel and opens the account, duplicating him hands.
- Position «knockout» is set off, if the sportsman from the received impact (falling, collision and suffocation) is in a condition which is not allowing him, in opinion of the referee to continue a duel, at account ” 9 «.
- Position » knockdaun ” is set off, if the sportsman as a result of impact (falling of collision and suffocation) was able to time loss of ability to continue a duel and up to account ” 8 ? accepts the fighting rack and protects a head hands.
- If, at absence of infringements of the rules, both sportsmen cannot continue a duel (damage or a knockout), the winner is defined on glasses, which sportsmen have received up to a stop of a duel (chapter 10.6-10.7.)
Chapter 8. Definition of a victory:
- On a lot of points after time of a duel.
- A knockout (at the account of the referee «9») participant is not capable to continue a duel.
- Effective carrying out of painful or suffocating reception — delivery of the opponent.
- Refusal of the contender, its representative or the second of continuation of a duel.
- If one of opponents, in a kind of a trauma, without infringement of rules, is removed from a duel by the doctor — the victory is awarded to another.
- Any stop of fight under the initiative of the sportsman except for knockdaun.
- At the equal account the victory is determined on the first technical action during additional time (1 minute).
Chapter 9. The order of charge of points:
- Three points: for knockdaun;
- Two points:
For everyone it is precise and peak impact which has free reached a head by a hand, a leg, a knee, an elbow;
For carrying out of a throw or a push with falling the opponent on a back or shoulders with a separation of both legs from a floor. - One point:
For everyone it is precise, peak impact which has free reached a trunk by a hand, a leg, a knee, an elbow or a head;
For carrying out of cutting (lateral impact in the bottom part of a shin) entailed falling of the opponent;
For any effective knocking down of the opponent from legs (push).
Chapter 10. The order of award of penal points:
- For application of various infringements of rules one general estimation is given.
- Quantity of warnings 3 for a duel. The third warning means defeat.
- Depending on weight of infringement of rules, the referee has the right to do remarks (without entering in the report), and warnings with entering in the report on two points for everyone.
- If, in investigation, infringements of rules, the sportsman has put the opponent a trauma, guilty 2 warnings on 2 points for everyone can be born at once.
- If the victim under the decision of the doctor cannot continue the fight guilty of infringement of rules is disqualified.
- If the victim at the moment of a trauma had advantage on points the victory and if the victim lost is awarded to him defeat is awarded to him.
- In case of equality of points advantage have 3С… ball, behind that 2С… ball estimations (only technical points in this case are taken into account), and in case of their equality — the first technical action.
- The sportsman can be punished by penal points or is disqualified for not sports behaviour of seconds and the representative.
Chapter 11. The application of protests.
- The estimations born by judges during a duel, will not be appealed and not discussed.
- The official protest, written motivated not with result of a duel, owing to infringement of rules by a judicial brigade, with the indication of concrete item of rules the head of the sending organization can bring the consent only.
- At competitions of a national level and below the protest moves addressed to the president of national branch IF FCF.
- At competitions of the international level protests move addressed to chairman of presidium IF FCF or addressed to the head of trusted organization IF FCF.
- The representative of the sending organization should, at once, upon termination of a duel, in writing to notify a judiciary board on forthcoming submission of the protest, with the indication of the broken item of rules.
- To the notice in writing the sum equal to a prize of lost sportsman which do not come back to the applicant at any decision of dispute is applied, and acts at disposal of international federation IF FCF or the trusted organization.
- Official protests to address of national branches move during 10 days from the date of carrying out of a duel and are examined during 30 from the date of reception.
- Official protests to address of the international federation move during 30 days from the date of carrying out of a duel and are examined during 50 days from the date of reception.
- Applicants can apply videorecording of a duel to the protest.
- Results of title (champion) duels are not cancelled. One of measures of satisfaction of the protest can be purposeof a match — revenge.
Section 4. A judiciary board.
Chapter 1. Structure of a judiciary board.
- Into a judiciary board enter: the main judge, assistants to the main judge, the head of a carpet, the main secretary and his assistants, timekeepers, the referee on a carpet, the doctor, the commandant, judges at a board (panel).
- Judges on a carpet should have the form: black trousers, a white shirt with a long sleeve, soft sports footwear, red and dark blue oversleeves (red on the right hand).
- On a shirt of judges, on the left side of a breast, trade mark IF FCF should be placed.
- Judges are obliged to pass a seminar spent by the main judge.
- It is forbidden to be simultaneously the judge and the representative and the second.
Chapter 2. The main judge of competitions.
- For carrying out of professional competitions the main judge and the referee are appointed presidium of international federation IF FCF or the trusted organization.
- The main judge personally checks readiness of premises, the equipment, stock, the documentation for carrying out of competitions, appoints, changes and discharges the assistants, judges, senior a carpet, credentials committee, asserts the schedule of competitions.
- The main judge instructs (seminar) for judges, representatives and participants, carries out sessions of a judiciary board.
- The main judge of competitions, in case of emergency, as agreed with a management of federation or the trusted organization, can suspend or transfer competitions for other time or to other place.
- The main judge or his assistants personally check all equipment at sportsmen.
Chapter 3. The assistant to the main judge.
- Assistants to the main judge are appointed the main judge, carry out his assignments and in case of need replace the main judge.
- The senior judge of a carpet, supervises over work of a judicial brigade, and sounds estimations of technical actions.
- The senior judge of a carpet, in disputable cases, can not sound an estimation of the referee and involve the technical secretary, as the third judge, for specification of the given estimation. After that the senior judge of a carpet sounds disputable result.
Chapter 4. The main secretary and his assistants
- The main secretary is responsible for preparation and registration of the documentation of competitions, supervises over work of secretary.
- The assistant to the main secretary carries out assignments of the main secretary and in case of need replaces the main secretary.
Chapter 5. The referee
- The main task of the referee is preservation of health of sportsmen!
- The referee is appointed presidium of federation.
- The referee on a carpet supervises over a course of a duel, gives an estimation to actions of sportsmen and watches execution of rules of competitions by them.
- The referee checks equipment of sportsmen (unit of a belt, a glove and protection hands, a bowl a knee).
- Allows a command to begin a duel «fight» and to stop «stop».
- Opens the account if considers, that one of opponents has received knockdoun or a knockout.
- Stops fight in case of dangerous infringement of rules, on a command of the senior carpet, after time of a round or a duel, on demand of the second, the sportsman or the representative.
- At an output of sportsmen for a carpet or not effective actions of sportsmen resulting in a tightening of time, stops a duel and returns opponents in the rack.
- If the sportsman breaks rules without causing a trauma to the opponent — the referee does not stop a duel before the ending of attack. (At struggle in an orchestra he can detain hands or legs to the one who breaks rules). Punishment for these infringements of the referee takes out upon termination of the given episode and returning of sportsmen in the rack. If infringement is dangerous to stop not probably also him during a duel — the referee stops a duel then guilty it is punished.
- For not significant infringements, the referee can do oral remarks, to the sportsman, showing gestures character of infringement. Thus, entering of penal points in the report are not made.
- At rough or repeated infringements corrected the referee has the right to declare to the sportsman the warning, with entering in report of 2 penal points, and in case of a serious trauma — 2 warnings.
- In case of a serious trauma in a kind of infringement corrected the referee has the right to stop fight for rendering assistance to the victim.
- At the announcement of result of a duel of the referee lifts a hand of the winner.
- The referee moves on a carpet in such a manner that the duel would be well seen to the grown-up of a carpet.
Chapter 6. The judge the timekeeper.
- The judge the timekeeper is behind a table of the senior judge of a carpet and counts clean time of a duel and breaks, on a command of the senior judge of a carpet.
Chapter 8. The doctor of competitions.
- The doctor of competitions is the assistant to the main judge.
- Watches observance of sanitary norms in places of carrying out of competitions.
- Renders medical aid to sportsmen, draws the conclusion about an opportunity or impossibility of continuation of a duel the sportsman.
- Removes the sportsman from a duel under medical indications.
- The opinion of the doctor is not challenged and is final.
Chapter 9. The commandant of competitions
- The commandant is responsible for duly preparation of places of carrying out of competitions, decorating of premises, safe accommodation of spectators and participants, радиоєикацию, maintenance of the order and other questions coordinated with organizers and the main judge.
Section 5. The equipment of places of competitions.
Chapter 1. A place of competitions.
- A place of carrying out of duels is standard борцовский a carpet or татами with a working zone 8 on 8 meters with 2 meter safety zone around, excluding casual reception of traumas at falling.
- On convenient and safe distance from a carpet tables for judges and the doctor, a board (panel), benches for rest of judges, etc. are established.
- The carpet is protected on the part of spectators in such a manner that the last could not prevent carrying out of duels.
- At the request of organizers, in the sanction and the contract other platforms (a ring, an octagon) for carrying out of professional duels can be specified.
Chapter 2. A board (panel).
- The board (panel) is well seen board with red and dark blue sectors on which contrastly painted signs are hung out. (It is authorized to use an electronic board (panel) with red and dark blue sectors).
- Judges at a board (panel) after scoring by the senior judge of a carpet of an points, hang out corresponding amount of signs on that sector of a board (panel) which corresponds to color of a belt of the specified sportsman.
- To remove estimations from a board (panel) it is authorized only after the announcement of result of a duel.
Section 6. Terms and gestures of judges.
- The referee on a course of a duel shows estimations a hand with an oversleeve corresponding to color of a belt of the sportsman.
- В” To Sportsmen to be pulled together В” — the dissolved hands are reduced together by palms inside.
- В” On places В” — hands get divorced in the parties (sides) palms downwards.
- «Attention» — the hand is extended upwards by a palm forward.
- «Fight» — the hand, with step, is stretched forward, by an edge of a palm downwards with step is extended forward.
- В” One point В” — the hand is extended aside downwards under 45 degrees by a palm forward.
- В” Two points В” — the hand is extended aside upwards under 45 degrees by a palm forward.
- В” Without an estimation В” — hands get divorced in the parties (sides) palms back.
- «Remark» — the hand on the part of the infringer is bent in an elbow with the index finger extended upwards, with the subsequent display of infringement, without removal of a point to the opponent.
- «Warning — a hand, because of a head, the hand is straightened aside the infringer, with the extended index finger.
- „Disqualification“ — a hand from a breast the hand is straightened aside the infringer with the extended index finger.
- В» Infringement of the rules В”: to show, what action is admitted and to show an estimation.
- В” The Exchange of impacts В” — the compressed fists to press to each other.
- В” Fictitious conducting fight, evasion from fight В” — rotation before itself the compressed fists.
- В” The Sportsman, approach В” — the hand is some times bent in an elbow by a palm to itself.
- «Stop» — hands are located between opponents with palms outside of (the referee can enter into a zone between opponents and force to plant them or to stop a clap on a body of sportsmen in an orchestra).
- Technical actions should be estimated by the judge on a carpet during a duel, the gestures estimating technical actions, 1-2 seconds should be kept and are well visible behind a judicial table, thus the referee should moving to continue to observe of a duel.
Rules are developed by collective of trainers under the direction of President IF FCF, the Judge of highest category — Sergey Ermakov.
Are authorized per 2004:
The international Federation of Full Contact Fighting IF FCF
State registration number IF FCF — 1032602090300.